It's hard to believe this little stinker has been alive for ONLY nine months. It almost feels like time started when she came into being.
She is 19 lbs, 2 oz.
Still no teeth.
She can crawl, but prefers to army crawl.

She waves and claps and gives kisses.
She climbs the stairs (Yikes!)
She's bound to start getting hair any time now, right?

She can pull herself to a standing position and walk along furniture.
She can climb out of the bathtub, (oops)
Loves dogs

She is a major Mamma's girl!
She sleeps from 7-7 every night.
Takes two good long naps a day

She's always happier when there are kids around.
She hates being read to.
She doesn't like to cuddle.

I think she has a good sense of humor.
And I just can't help it, I think she's amazing.