When I was 14 my family went to Nauvoo. They decided to go during the week of Girl's Camp... my 4th year of Girl's Camp, which as everyone knows is the very best year. So I never went to Nauvoo until this weekend.

We started our adventures with a horse-drawn carriage ride.

We visited Carthage Jail
. This was definietly the most moving part of the trip.

We planned the trip with our friends the Farnsworths. We got to have lots of fun with them, but due to overlapping nap times we didn't see them as much as we would have liked.

We saw the "Rendevous" Program
We enjoyed talking to all the cute senior and sweet sister missionaries.
We went to the Print Shop, the Tin Smith, The Black Smith, The Wainwright, the Brick Yard and all the fun places where they show you how things were done back in the Pioneer days.
Daphne liked to get really hands on.

We walked down the "Trail of Hope" It was especially neat to see the journal entries (as well as the homes) of a couple of my ancestors.

We crossed the great Mississippi several times

Bryce kept Daphne entertained while I did a temple session

We loved just getting to be with Bryce for 3 whole days!

We did the Community Of Christ tour of sites. It was really interesting to get a glimpse of their beliefs. There was a distinctly different feel between the LDS sites and theirs. This is at the grave site of Joseph, Hyrum and Emma.

The whole weekend was wonderful. We had great whether, good company and our testimonies were sure fed. Learning more about the sacrifice all the Saints made back then makes me grateful for their examples in perfect faith, and inspires me to be more willing to sacrifice for truth.
(I'm also reallygrateful we decided to stay in a hotel instead of camping.)